About the Procedure
Otoplasty, a meticulous surgical intervention, focuses on altering the shape, size, or position of the ears. It is often pursued for aesthetic enhancement or to correct congenital ear deformities. The procedure aims to harmonize the appearance of the ears with the natural contours of the face while addressing functional concerns. Indications include protruding ears, congenital deformities, asymmetry, and injuries. Otoplasty types include Ear Pinning (Pinnaplasty) and Ear Reshaping.
Preoperative Care
Smoking Cessation
Patients are strongly advised to cease smoking several weeks before otoplasty surgery. This is essential to facilitate optimal healing and reduce the associated risks.
Medical Evaluation
Patients must follow the surgeon’s guidance on medications, particularly those that might increase bleeding risk, such as blood thinners or supplements. Adhering to medication adjustments ensures a smoother surgical process.
Avoidance of Alcohol and Certain Medications
To enhance the effectiveness of anesthesia and reduce bleeding risks, patients are instructed to refrain from consuming alcohol and specific medications. This precaution is based on the surgeon’s recommendations for a safe and successful procedure.
Typically, patients are instructed not to eat or drink anything after midnight preceding the surgery. Fasting is a standard preoperative measure to ensure a safe and complication-free surgical experience.
Postoperative Care
Immediate Post-Surgery
After otoplasty, patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling, and will have bandaging. Rest is advised, and patients should adhere to prescribed medications for pain management and to minimize swelling.
Days 1 to 7
Follow-up appointments during this period involve dressing changes, monitoring healing progress, and continued medication as prescribed. Swelling gradually decreases, and any concerns or questions can be addressed during these appointments.
Weeks 1 to 4
Significant healing occurs during this phase, with reduced swelling. Patients can cautiously resume daily activities under the guidance of the surgeon. It’s crucial to follow postoperative care instructions diligently during this period.
Weeks 4 to 6
By this stage, stabilized results start to emerge, with further reduction in swelling and noticeable improvement in ear shape. Optimal aesthetic outcomes become more apparent, and the patient can gradually return to normal activities with the surgeon’s approval.
What does Otoplasty address?
How long is the recovery period?
Are there risks involved?
Otoplasty offers individuals the opportunity to enhance the appearance and functionality of their ears. Meticulous preoperative assessment, precise surgical techniques, and attentive postoperative care contribute to aesthetically pleasing and balanced ear contours, boosting confidence and well-being. Consulting with a qualified and experienced surgeon ensures a personalized approach and a satisfying outcome. At Athena, our surgical specialists are dedicated to delivering exceptional otoplasty procedures with precision and patient satisfaction. Contact Athena Care today to explore the transformative impact of our surgical excellence in otoplasty.
Empanelled Surgeons
Mr Tristan McMullan
MA (Cantab) MB BChir PhD FRCOphth
Consultant Ophthalmologist
Mr Mrinal Supriya
Consultant ENT/Head Neck & Thyroid Surgeon